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Middle East Newsline - Arms, Defense, Strategy

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You've heard enough talk about the internet growing faster than any other mass medium in history; that web users will reach to 320 million worldwide by 2001; that internet commerce will increase to more than $400 billion by next year.

Your question remains the same: how to make money through the internet? Our answer -- niche advertising, or placing your ad in a framework that reaches your target audience.

That's where Middle East Newsline comes in. We are a news service aimed at professionals. Our client list includes the leading research centers in the world, defense executives, Middle East specialists, diplomats, military officers and a highly professional core audience that needs information daily on the region. Our audience comes from all over the world, particularly the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

Our accent is on quality and that is reflected in our audience. Although we are less than two years old, Middle East Newsline is already regarded as one of the top services on the region. Our website is updated several times a day and accents strategic developments in the Middle East. In other words, we share the same target audience -- one of professionals that needs vital information of the region on a daily basis.

The good news is that our website is rapidly expanding. We are adding new services and information on the web to keep readers searching through Middle East Newsline several times a day. Your ad on our website will not be seen. It will be read and valued.

Please send us an E-mail or use our feedback form for more information. Join our team as we prepare to soar through the internet and reach new heights in professionalism and quality. As an advertiser, you'll be glad you came aboard early.

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Aircrafts in the Middle East